本文共 2480 字,大约阅读时间需要 8 分钟。
#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Matthew Montgomery ## ## [email]mmontgomery@mysql.com[/email] ## repeat_alert_interval=15 # minutes lock_file=/tmp/slave_alert.lck active=yes ## Check if alert is already sent ## function check_alert_lock (){ if[-f $lock_file]; then current_file=`find $lock_file-cmin -$repeat_alert_interval`if[-n "$current_file"]; then # echo "Current lock file found" return 1 else# echo "Expired lock file found" return 2 fi elsereturn 0 fi }## Find the location of the mysql.sock file ## function check_for_socket (){ if[-z $socket]; then if[-S /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ]; then socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock elif [-S /tmp/mysql.sock ]; then socket=/tmp/mysql.sock else ps_socket=`netstat -ln | egrep "mysql(d)?\.sock"| awk '{ print $9 }'`if["$ps_socket"]; then socket=$ps_socket fi fi fi if[-S "$socket"]; then echo UP >/dev/null else echo "No valid socket file "$socket" found!" echo "mysqld is not running or it is installed in a custom location" echo "Please set the $socket variable at the top of this script."exit 1 fi }check_for_socket Slave_IO_Running=`mysql -Bse "show slave status\G"|grep Slave_IO_Running | awk '{ print $2 }'`Slave_SQL_Running=`mysql -Bse "show slave status\G"|grep Slave_SQL_Running | awk '{ print $2 }'`Last_error=`mysql -Bse "show slave status\G"|grep Last_error | awk -F \:'{ print $2 }'`if[-z $Slave_IO_Running-o -z $Slave_SQL_Running]; then echo "Replication is not configured or you do not have the required access to MySQL"exitfi if[$Slave_IO_Running=='Yes']&&[$Slave_SQL_Running=='Yes']; then if[-f $lock_file]; then rm $lock_file echo "Replication slave is running" echo "Removed Alert Lock" fi exit 0 elif [$Slave_SQL_Running=='No']; then if[$active=='yes']; then check_alert_lock if[$?= 1 ]; then ## Current Lock ## echo "up">/dev/null else## Stale/No Lock ## touch $lock_file echo "SQL thread not running on server `hostname -s`!" echo "Last Error:"$Last_error fi fi exit 1 elif [$Slave_IO_Running=='No']; then if[$active=='yes']; then check_alert_lock if[$?= 1 ]; then ## Current Lock ## echo "up">/dev/null else## Stale/No Lock ## touch $lock_file echo "LOG IO thread not running on server `hostname -s`!" echo "Last Error:"$Last_error fi fi exit 1 elseif[$active=='yes']; then check_alert_lock if[$?= 1 ]; then ## Current Lock ## echo "up">/dev/null else## Stale/No Lock ## touch $lock_file echo "Unexpected Error!" echo "Check Your permissions!" fi fi exit 2 fi